Multiple Nor’easter’s we have been experiencing is nothing new, and can’t always be blamed on climate change.

The following article provides some information on how blocking can effect these storms, and it has happened before…

Watts Up With That?

From Rutgers University and the “Nor’easter’s weren’t as bad before global warming” department comes this “story I’ve been telling for a couple of years now…”. See the commentary after this article.

NOAA’s GOES East satellite (GOES-16) captured the Nor’easter storm over the East Coast this morning (13:15 UTC). The National Weather Service reports heavy snow and strong winds impacting New England. The U.S. East Coast provides an ideal breeding ground for Nor’easters. During winter, the polar jet stream transports cold Arctic air southward across the plains of Canada and the United States, then eastward toward the Atlantic Ocean where warm air from the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic tries to move northward. The warm waters of the Gulf Stream help keep the coastal waters relatively mild during the winter, which in turn helps warm the cold winter air over the water. This difference in temperature between the warm air…

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